2020-2024 City of Chico HUD Consolidated Plan and Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice


The HUD Consolidated Plan establishes goals and funding priorities that address the greatest needs of the City’s low-income residents utilizing CDBG and HOME funds. Our team led citizen consultation sessions with affected populations in a variety of locations to ascertain their input on greatest needs. In addition, a significant portion of the Consolidated Plan involves analysis of quantitative data to complete a Needs Assessment and Market Analysis. This process results in a Strategic Plan with specific quantifiable goals and objectives for the next 5 years. Concurrent with the Consolidated Plan, we also completed the City’s Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice. The Analysis of Impediments involves: an analysis of data that describes the local conditions for fair housing choice, including the availability of affordable, accessible housing in a range of unit sizes; a comprehensive review of the jurisdiction’s laws, regulations, and administrative policies, procedures, and practices; and an assessment of how those laws, regulations, and administrative policies, procedures, and practices affect the location, availability, and accessibility of housing.

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