2022-2030 City of Chico Housing Element (Western City Magazine Feature)

Housing Tools managed all aspects of the Housing Element Update process, including designing and implementing a virtual community engagement strategy. Due to COVID-19 our team pivoted to developing creative, interactive, and robust digital tools. These included a Housing Element website (www.chicohousingelement.com), two online community surveys, one virtual focus group, two virtual community meetings, and regular email updates and social media posts. We collaborated with a professional translator/interpreter to provide materials in English and Spanish languages.

Click here to read a feature story on this project by Western City Magazine from its October 2021 issue.

Amador County Permanent Supportive Housing Zoom Webinars

With the onset of public health restrictions on public gatherings due to COVID 19, our staff facilitated two online webinars to provide information to Amador County residents about the findings from the development of the Plan to Address Homelessness, the state of affordable housing in the county, and how Permanent Supportive Housing is an evidence-based approach to ending chronic homelessness, especially for individuals with mental health and co-occurring health disorders. This work was done to prepare the community and decision-makers for the next steps in accessing No Place Like Home funds. The webinars included live interactive polls and a Question & Answer session in order to ensure community member participation.

Del Norte County Community Outreach and Education Materials

Our firm provided Del Norte County with a toolkit containing a variety of ready-made resources to continue their efforts on community engagement regarding homelessness. Materials were made with an average community member in mind who may be new to talking about or considering affordable housing. Visually appealing materials written in plain language helped communicate complex housing concepts and deepen understanding. This included: a monthly calendar to guide their outreach efforts, talking points, social media posts, PSAs, taglines, and brochures and flyers.